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Top 10 fastest animals in the world

 10. Brown Hare

Brown Hare,fastest animals in the world,fastest animals,top 10 fastest animals in the world,top 10 fastest animals,fastest animal in the world,fastest in the world,top 10 fastest land animals in the world,fastest land animals,animals,10 of the fastest animals in the world!,fastest animals on earth,top 10,the fastest animal,fastest,fastest animal,10 fastest animals,fast animals,top 10 fastest land animals,fastest animal on earth,biggest in the world,fastest land animal in the world,fastest in this planet
The European hare, also known as the brown hare, is a species of hare native to Europe and parts of Asia. It is among the largest hare species and is adapted to temperate, open country. Wikipedia

9. Blue Wildebeest

Blue Wildebeest
The blue wildebeest, also called the common wildebeest, white-bearded wildebeest, or brindled gnu, is a large antelope and one of the two species of wildebeest. It is placed in the genus Connochaetes and family Bovidae, and has a close taxonomic relationship with the black wildebeest. Wikipedia

8. Marlin

A marlin is a fish from the family Istiophoridae, which includes about 10 species. It has an elongated body, a spear-like snout or bill, and a long, rigid dorsal fin which extends forward to form a crest. Its common name is thought to derive from its resemblance to a sailor's marlinspike. Wikipedia

7. Pronghorn Antelope

Pronghorn Antelope
The pronghorn is a species of artiodactyl mammal indigenous to interior western and central North America. Wikipedia

6. Sail Fish

6. Sail Fish
A sailfish is a fish of the genus Istiophorus of billfish living in colder areas of all the seas of the earth. They are predominantly blue to gray in colour and have a characteristic dorsal fin known as a sail, which often stretches the entire length of the back. Wikipedia

5. Cheetah

The cheetah is a large cat native to Africa and central Iran. It is the fastest land animal, capable of running at 80 to 128 km/h, and as such has several adaptations for speed, including a light build, long thin legs and a long tail. Wikipedia

4. Spur Winged Goose

Spur-Winged Goose
The spur-winged goose is a large bird in the family Anatidae, related to the geese and the shelducks, but distinct from both of these in a number of anatomical features, and therefore treated in its own subfamily, the Plectropterinae. It occurs in wetlands throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Wikipedia

3. Frigate Bird

Frigate Bird
Frigatebirds are a family of seabirds called Fregatidae which are found across all tropical and subtropical oceans. The five extant species are classified in a single genus, Fregata. All have predominantly black plumage, long, deeply forked tails and long hooked bills. Wikipedia

2. White Throated Needletail

White Throated Needletail
The white-throated needletail, also known as needle-tailed swift or spine-tailed swift, is a large swift in the genus Hirundapus. It is reputed to reach speeds of up to 170 km/h in horizontal flight, but this is unverified because the methods used to measure its speed have not been published. Wikipedia

1. Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon
The peregrine falcon, also known as the peregrine, and historically as the duck hawk in North America, is a widespread bird of prey in the family Falconidae. A large, crow-sized falcon, it has a blue-grey back, barred white underparts, and a black head. Wikipedia


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